
This is a collection of content by Dr. Vivek Narayan.

The author’s perspective is informed by his experience as a healthcare provider, innovation institute director, and consumer health tech co-founder. He views the world of innovation through the lens of decisions and behaviors demonstrated by individuals, collectives, and institutions, and the data, or lack thereof, that drive those decisions.

He started adulthood as a doctor in India and transitioned into Healthcare Innovation after experimenting with Psychoanalytical theory. He welcomes questions that arise at the intersection of technology, consumer and clinical health, and the early stage venture development that seeks to transform this space. His current interest lies in the creation of innovation frameworks to improve provider-led patient-centric healthcare, along with the creation of technology that can facilitate these interactions. Among other things, he is a worker at Zinc Collective, a digital product and service cooperative where he works on business ops and product management. He is also the Principal at Avigno Technologies, a Healthcare Innovation consulting firm.

The theme was forked from @jrutheiser/hugo-lithium-theme and modified by Yihui Xie.